My Books

The Assertiveness Workbook

2nd Edition Published 2022

One of the top selling books on assertive communication for over 20 years, this completely revised edition provides guidance on the four major styles of communication, the factors that hold us back from using the assertive style, and the actual skills involved in a wide variety of situations.

There is a free online on-demand “book club” with videos illustrating many of the key concepts.

Click here to learn more - and for downloadable extras that can enhance your experience with the book.

How to be Miserable:
40 Strategies You Already Use

Published 2016

We spend most of our lives trying to be happier, but what if we wanted to be miserable instead? What would we do? Perhaps if we consider that question seriously we will discover that we are ALREADY doing much of what we know will reduce our life satisfaction. And once we’ve found the road that leads downward, by going in the opposite direction we may discover the path upward as well. Available as e-book and audiobook.

Click here to learn more, and to find a series of videos based on content from the book.

How to be Miserable in Your Twenties:
40 Strategies to Fail at Adulting

Published 2020

The decade of the twenties is a difficult one during which we construct our adulthood. But what if we wanted it all to go wrong? How might we lay the groundwork for a lifetime of unhappiness? In this we have an unexpected ally: the messages we receive from pop psychology and the culture itself.

If you’re walking through a minefield, it helps to have a guidebook to the potential pitfalls. And this is it. Available as paperback, e-book, and audiobook.

Click here to learn more, and to find a series of videos based on content from the book.

Private Practice Made Simple

Published 2011

Operating a private mental health practice involves a variety of skills that are never taught in university training programs. Many people went into healthcare specifically because they didn’t WANT to learn how to run a business. Yet here they are.

Luckily, operating a successful private practice isn’t rocket surgery. The skills can be learned and applied. In this book, I show you how.

This book is available in e-book format.

Click here to learn more, and to find a complete set of pdf worksheets you can download for use with your practice.

Your Depression Map

Published 2002

Depression is a syndrome as much as a disorder: a collection of symptoms that can occur for any of a number of reasons. The escape route depends, to a great extent, on matching your efforts to the factors that led to the depression originally.

The book presents a model for understanding clinical depression, and a set of strategies for reversing the downward spiral.

I have adapted the techniques discussed into a program for mental health professionals on treating clinical depression, along with over 200 pages of pdf handouts that can be used in therapy.

Unfortunately, this book is now out of print and no longer available.