Information on hosting programs for your group, staff, or organization.

About hosting

Most in-person and live-online talks and workshops are hosted by specific agencies, health boards, professional associations, or community organizations (look below for a list of past hosts).

Host agencies help out in several ways:

  • They either purchase a workshop in its entirety, or they contract for a block of seats.

  • If in-person, they book or provide presentation space.

  • They may provide spaces in the program exclusively to their own members or staff, or they may resell seats to others in the region.

  • They promote the program to their own members (sometimes with brochure input from us).

  • In most cases they handle registrations.

  • Some agencies operate workshops as fundraisers for their organization.

If you are interested in hosting a workshop for your group or agency, contact me and we can chat about your needs, answer any questions you may have, and consider possible dates. Most programs are scheduled at least two months in advance. My office can prepare a quote and discuss whether you would like add-ons such as followup webinars to assist with uptake or implementation.

I have presented workshops across Canada, as well as in Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong. Distance is not a barrier, and I welcome international requests.

My goal is to provide an effective, engaging presentation that produces genuine advances in practice for attendees, and to do so with maximum efficiency and ease for organizers. I have over 30 years of experience in providing professional continuing education programs and informative presentations for the public. I can work with you to create a successful program that meets your needs.

Changeways Clinic is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education credits for psychologists - both in-person presentations and our online courses for clinicians. Changeways Clinic maintains responsibility for these programs.

Remember that I also have online on-demand courses, described here.

Live-Online Programs

Covid posed many challenges, but it familiarized everyone with online video conferencing platforms like Zoom. Professional continuing education largely went online.

Since then, many organizations have discovered that the live-online format suits many of their education needs. It is likely that this format will continue to be a dominant method of professional CE in coming years.

Live-online education offers both practical and economic benefits:

  • Staff can learn from their own home or office.

  • No need to shut down the agency while everyone is off on a training program.

  • No paying for presenter travel time, airfare, or accommodation.

  • Staff at different sites can take part - even if those sites are far apart, as in Canada's arctic or in rural areas.

  • No expenses associated with staff transportation or accommodation to the program.

  • No catering or conference room bills.

  • You can pair with agencies or organizations in other localities to split the cost of a program.

In sum, a live-online program can be markedly less expensive to provide - enabling agencies with limited budgets to offer more educational opportunities to staff.

It can be a good idea to consider the format of educational programming given this new model. Why did we always offer full-day and two- or three-day educational programs in the past, cramming people into over- or underheated conference space for seven hours at a time? Answer: Because it took so much expense and effort to gather everyone together. We had to make the most of the opportunity - even if it meant no one could think straight for the last quarter of the presentation.

But in live-online education, this is not a consideration. No one has to go anywhere, so we don't have to overstuff them with information. Educational programs can be more modular, offering smaller chunks of content and smaller sets of skills within a timeframe that doesn't strain the attention span.

We can still offer live-online workshops over a full day. But we can also provide one-hour, two-hour, or half-day programs that are more digestible for participants - and that don't shut down your service. We can divide more extensive programs into chunks spaced optimally so that people can contemplate and implement bits in their work, then get feedback or ask questions at the next class.

All of my existing live programs can be adapted to the live-online format. I can also work with organizers to select particular modules for shorter presentations, and can custom-design sessions for your group. Contact me at for information and we can see how we can design a program especially for your needs.

Past Hosts/Contractors/Sponsors
(Partial List)

Access Community Therapists Ltd

Australian Psychological Society

BC School Counsellors' Association

British Columbia Psychological Association

British Columbia School District 42

Burnaby Mental Health

Calgary Health Authority

Calgary Women's Health Resource Centre

Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies

Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists - BC Division

Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists - National

Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity

Canadian Mental Health Association

Canadian Psychological Association

College of Psychologists of New Brunswick

Early Psychosis Program, Vancouver Coastal Health

Edmonton Primary Care Network

Essential Therapy Training (UK)

Family Services Ottawa

Fraser Health Authority

Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association

Interior Health Authority

Interlock EAP, Canada

International Union of Painters and Trades

Jack Hirose & Associates

Kwantlen Psychology Society

Loom Inc, Nevada USA

Malaspina College

Mental Health Services, Vancouver Coastal Health

New Horizons Council

New Zealand Psychological Society

Northern Health Authority

Northwest Territories Health and Social Services

Peace Country Health Region

Praxis CET, Oakland USA

Prince Edward Island Dep't of Health

Providence Care

Queen Mary Hospital Hong Kong

Saint Albert Primary Care Network, Alberta

Saint Mary’s Hospital Foundation, Waterloo Ontario

Stanton Territorial Hospital, Yellowknife

United Nations Association of Canada

University of British Columbia Association of Administrative and Professional Staff

University of British Columbia Development & Alumni Engagement

University of British Columbia Department of Psychiatry

University of British Columbia Department of Psychology

University of British Columbia School of Dentistry

University of Victoria

Vancouver General Hospital Department of Radiology

Vancouver Island Health Authority

Vancouver Public Library

Western University Department of Psychology Spring Retreat

Yukon Health and Social Services