Sexual Orientation Issues in Healthcare

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Healthcare workers and educators provide services to individuals from a wide variety of cultural groups. Knowing something of the issues faced by members of these groups can be essential in providing optimal service.

This full-day, half-day, or two-hour seminar provides therapists with an introduction to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities.

The workshop uses a variety of instructional styles including lecture, video, discussion and nonthreatening exercises.

Most offerings of this workshop are for a specific audience or setting, and the workshop is tailored to the requirements of the host agency.

Is this a treatment protocol?

No. Unlike some of my other training programs, "Sexual Orientation Issues in Healthcare" is not a treatment protocol. Instead, it is a compendium program designed to offer healthcare providers - or educators - an introduction to some of the issues faced by LGBT clients. Many professionals have commented that they would like to increase their familiarity with some of the key concepts related to these communities in order to provide better service. The workshop is designed to address some of the most pressing issues.

Who should attend?

The healthcare workshop is designed for all healthcare providers (not just those in mental health settings), including front office staff. Heterosexual providers wishing to develop more familiarity with these populations may find the workshop particularly helpful. This program is often tailored to the needs of the setting - we have offered programs for educators, physicians, foster parents, and others - the program can be specific for each.

Workshop Contents

The program elements are typically selected for the audience anticipated. The emphasis is on providing participants with practical information that can be applied in their own work. Here are some of the topics usually covered in a full-day workshop, depending on what the host chooses:

  • The nature of sexual orientation. Is sexual orientation a continuum or a dichotomy? The Kinsey scale of sexual orientation. Orientation development and awareness. Sexual orientation versus sexual identity and sexual behaviour.
  • Sexual orientation and the law. What are the laws relating to sexual behaviour? Discrimination? Hate crimes? Same-sex couples? A review of the recent history of Canadian legal developments.
  • Coming out issues. Why is "coming out" such a central issue for gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) people? What does it mean to come out? What are the health implications of coming out? How can we be of service with an individual contemplating coming out?
  • Gay and lesbian culture 101. Terminology. What is the culture all about? What local community resources are available to GLB people?
  • Homophobia. Is homophobia really a phobia? How do conscious or unconscious negative attitudes toward GLB people manifest themselves? How can GLB people have homophobic attitudes? What is the influence of these attitudes? How do they apply to health and mental health issues?
  • Barriers to health and mental health care. How can being a GLB person have a negative impact on access to health care? How can we remove these barriers? How can therapists ensure that their practices do not impose or support such barriers?
  • Sexual orientation and health. What are the implications of an individual's sexual orientation for their mental and physical health? This section includes a discussion of HIV/AIDS and breast cancer.
  • Sexual orientation and suicide. What does the research say about suicidality among gay youth? What are the risk factors? What about GLB adults?
  • Same-sex relationships. What are the similarities and differences between same-sex and opposite-sex relationships? What are some of the common challenges same-sex couples face, and what are the corresponding opportunities?
  • Best practice guidelines for health and mental health settings.

Participants receive a set of slide handouts from the presentation, as well as some adjunctive information (depending on the elements selected for presentation).

Feedback on this program

"Excellent presentation, good humour, and lots of information."
"I came believing I knew a lot, and found out I had a lot to learn."
"Respectful, humorous, and entertaining."
"As a heterosexual woman, there has been such a great growth in my understanding."
"Insightful, acknowledging, and powerful."
"Great! - Thank you for enlightening me."
"Fabulous, good energy and well balanced."
"The material really helped me get a handle on the issue. Awesome job!"
"Really great hands-on material that could be used right away."
"This workshop helped to give me a better understanding of some of the issues my clients face."
"The workshop addressed difficult issues and topics earnestly, rather than tip-toeing at the expense of clarity or impact."
"I enjoyed coverage of a topic that I haven’t received much formal education on; LGBTTIQ issues. Getting that in a structured format was great."
"Really liked you answering questions."
"I loved the examples. Good use of metaphors."
"Welcoming & open atmosphere."
"The openness of the topic was great!"
"Great use of blind item box to receive uncomfortable questions. Such a well-done & comprehensive discussion & exposition of clinical issues!"

Interested in Hosting a Workshop in Your Region? Click here.


Suite 718
2525 Willow Street
Vancouver, BC V5Z 3N8
Tel: (604) 871-0490


Open Weekdays
Click here to get directions